Accumulating eggs in the abdomen(?)

Hi, one of my stick insects (I believe they are pink winged stick insects) seems to be accumulating eggs near the tail. It's all swollen and looks like they are going to burst out...

Is there anything I can do help it?

Thanks for any help.


some species (like Autolyca, Maressoidea and many others) do indeed "accumulate" quite a number of eggs, before they are laid as a clutch. But to my knowledge, "pink winged" don't do that. So this does not sound too good. Do you have photos?

First thing that comes to my mind, is that you spray the specimen with a lot of water. And keep it in a small, very wet container for some time. Maybe this could help soften things up a bit?


btw, which species do you keep as "pink winged"?

Generally it is not advisable to use common names for our cultures. Often the same or very similar names are used for different species, which just causes confusion....