Culture status
Bramble (Rubus spp.)
Breeding notes
(by Bruno Kneubuehler)
General Notes
- this species is since quite some time in culture, several culture stocks have been introduced
- 2017 - transferred to the new taxon Singaporoidea Francis Seow-Choen, 2017, so the new valid name is Singaporoidea menemptolemus
- 2007 - I have distributed my culture stock of this species as Sipyloidea meneptolemus to other breeders
- Tapah hills of Malaysia
- medium sized insects of 8 to 8,5 cm body length
- their whole body, legs and antennae are coloured in a light straw brown
- hind wings are fully develped and reach a bit beyond the 6th abdominal segement
- the membranous part of the hind wings is very lightly coloured in sort of pink
- forwings are short, only about 6-7 mm
- their antennae are longer than the forelegs
- wings are fully developed and they are capable of flying, though they will usually fly just for a short distance
- more often than flying, females will try to crawl away a short distance if feeling disturbed
- very cute little creatures with a body length of 6 to 6,5 cm
- their wings are fully developed too reach a bit beyond the 5th abdomial segement
- antennae are about 1 cm longer than the forelegs
- the general body colour is a light to dark green
- hind wings are coloured reddish
- also the coxa and knees are reddish in colour
- fore wings are small (4 mm) with a longitudinal white stripe
- they become more excited when feeling disturbed – like when you have to handle them at the moment of changing their food plants. Then they will try to crawl away but will also fly away suddenly. And they can fly for longer distances than the females. So keep an eye on them, especially when the windows are open
- dark brown, 3 mm long and 1,5 mm wide
- surface is entirely covered with a net-like structure
Food Plants
- nymphs as well as adults feed easily on bramble (Rubus sp.)
Breeding Notes
- this is a very easy to bred phasmid species
- incubation of the eggs on damp sand (with springtails for mould inhibition) takes about 2 months at room temperature
- hatching ratio is high, more than 80%
- keep nymphs and adults in a airy cage at room temperatures (around 20° C in winter, higher in summer)
- put a wet paper towel at the bottom of the cage and keep it wet
- nymphs will become adult in about 2,5 month for males and 3 months for females
- females will start to lay eggs about 3 weeks after their final moult (about 15 eggs per week), which they just let drop to the ground
- copulation takes place at night and lasts up to a few hours. During the day sexes are usually being found seperate
- during the day most males can be found on the front glass in my cages, often the females too. They do not stay on their food plant during the day