Websites about Phasmids

Some interesting blogs and sites about phasmid breeding

Le Monde des PhasmesFrench site from Bruno Biron with many care sheets.
PhasmaPhilsEnglish blog from Thierry Heitzmann, dedicated to the Philippines Phasmids he breed and his collecting trips.
PhasmiduniverseThe largest Spanish site about phasmids, from Pablo Valero. With forum. (Note: it will probably be merged with in a future.)
StrasilkyLarge Czech website of Jaromír Zajíček with nice photos.
ClonopsisAn interesting blog about phasmids breeding in Spanish, from Álvaro Pérez.
Wandelende Takkenvery informative site on phasmids in dutch by Mieke Duytschaever



Associations and groups

Phasmid Study GroupInternational community passionate about keeping, rearing and studying phasmids.




Phasmida Species FileThe Phasmida Species File (PSF) is a taxonomic database of the world's Phasmida.
Association pour la Systématique des Phasmes et l'Etude de leur RépartitionPublications of the ASPER Team.
Guide of the Stick and Leaf insects of New GuineaWebsite of Heinz van Herwaarden on the phasmatodea of New Guinea.