Some interesting blogs and sites about phasmid breeding
Le Monde des Phasmes | French site from Bruno Biron with many care sheets. |
PhasmaPhils | English blog from Thierry Heitzmann, dedicated to the Philippines Phasmids he breed and his collecting trips. |
Phasmiduniverse | The largest Spanish site about phasmids, from Pablo Valero. With forum. (Note: it will probably be merged with in a future.) |
Strasilky | Large Czech website of Jaromír Zajíček with nice photos. |
Clonopsis | An interesting blog about phasmids breeding in Spanish, from Álvaro Pérez. |
Wandelende Takken | very informative site on phasmids in dutch by Mieke Duytschaever |
Associations and groups
Phasmid Study Group | International community passionate about keeping, rearing and studying phasmids. |
Phasmida Species File | The Phasmida Species File (PSF) is a taxonomic database of the world's Phasmida. |
Association pour la Systématique des Phasmes et l'Etude de leur Répartition | Publications of the ASPER Team. |
Guide of the Stick and Leaf insects of New Guinea | Website of Heinz van Herwaarden on the phasmatodea of New Guinea. |