Phasmatodea Cultures

At present more than 200 species of phasmids are bred in captivity. Whether for scientific purposes or as pets, it is important and very useful for serious breeders to obtain information about each stock in order to provide the best environmental conditions depending on the natural habitat and also not to mix different populations of the same species. Mixing different stocks can cause the loss of particular characteristics:

Phenotype: particular morphological characteristics of a population (Colour, ornamentation, etc).

Genotype: forget about sentences like..."it is good to renew blood from time to time"; see section "myths and legends".

Cryptic species: Sometimes it happens that several different species are grouped in a single species because it is not possible to differentiate them at a morphological level. Keeping the different stocks separated helps to prevent this kind of error and allows scientists to confirm if they are the same species or not, by an integrative taxonomic approach (morphological, molecular, ecological analysis, etc).

PSG list and CLP list

PSG and CLP lists were born from "Phasmid Study Group" and "Phasma" respectively. These are the 2 biggest associations of enthusiasts of phasmids. In the beginning, the main objective of both lists was to maintain control of the stocks that had been imported. Nonetheless, nowadays both lists are full of errors (wrong identifications, scientific names not updated, lack of information about the collecting event, lack of photos, etc.). That is why we have decided to present and bring together all known information about each of the stocks that are bred or have been bred in captivity on this website, and step by step try to correct as many mistakes as possible. For this purpose, these are the steps we plan to do:

  1. Merge all the info known from CLP and PSG lists. (done)
  2. Update all the scientific names. (done)
  3. Upload pictures of each stock and confirm or correct the ID. (in progress)
  4. Try to find the missing info for each stock. (in progress)
  5. After completing the previous steps, stocks that can not be verified (lack of photos, sampling data, etc.) will be removed from this list.


  • Due to the huge amount of information that needs to be reviewed, the list is not fully updated for now!. We suggest trusting only in stocks containing photos.
  • If you have doubts about the changes in the names of the stocks, "HERE" you can find a list with all the updated stocks, their previous names and the reason for the change.


What is a “stock”?

Each isolated population, populations that are far away from each other or living in a very different habitat should be considered as different stocks, it does not matter if they are the same species or not. For example, populations from different mountains, valleys, islands, etc. but also from a single mountain with very different habitats depending on the altitude. It would be possible to find a low-altitude population and a slightly different population at high altitudes (ornamentation, size, etc.); even if they look alike, they should be kept as different stocks.

How to differ each stock?

Our proposal to name the different stocks is to include the origin of the stock after the name of the species and in quotation marks (as a keyword). E.g. Anisomorpha buprestoides "Ocala": Anisomorpha buprestoides is the scientific name of the species and "Ocala" refers to the place where this stock was found (Ocala National Forest, Orlando, U.S.A.)

This is why it is important to know the origin as accurately as possible, to avoid confusion with future stocks from a nearby area but different mountain, habitat, etc.

IMPORTANT! If you are not sure about the origin of your stock or if it has been mixed with others, then you should never include the keyword after the scientific name.

E.g. There are several stocks of Extatosoma tiaratum and it is known that a lot of breeders mixed them. So, if you are not sure if your stock is pure or not, then you should name it (e.g.) Extatosoma tiaratum and not Extatosoma tiaratum “Inisfail”.






Culture List

Stock name CLP PSG Breeder Culture status
Oxyartes sp. "Chiang Mai" 846 Oxyartes sp. "Chiang Mai" In culture
Oxyartes sp. "Chu Yang Sin" In culture
Oxyartes sp. "Copia Nature Reserve" 838 In culture
Oxyartes sp. "Muong Nhe" Oxyartes sp. "Muong Nhe" Unknown
Oxyartes sp. "Nam Kading NBCA" Oxyartes sp. "Nam Kading NBCA" Probably lost
Oxyartes sp. "Rayong" Oxyartes sp. "Rayong" Probably lost
Oxyartes spinipennis "Cuc Phuong" 294 188 Oxyartes spinipennis "Cuc Phuong" In culture
Oxyartes vietnamensis "Kon Chu Rang" In culture
Pachymorpha sp. "Mt Tamborine" 717 In culture
Pachymorpha squalida 716 Probably lost
Pachyscia sp. "Me Linh Biodiversity Station" Pachyscia sp. "Me Linh Biodiversity Station" Probably lost
Parabacillus hesperus "Sonora Desert" 261 98 Probably lost
Parabrosoma bispinosum "Sibayak" 498 Parabrosoma bispinosum "Sibayak" Probably lost
Paracalynda utilaensis "Green Hills" 407 346 Paracalynda utilaensis "Green Hills" In culture
Paraclonistria sp. "St. Kitts" 286 148 <i>Paraclonistria sp.</i> &quot;St. Kitts&quot; Probably lost
Paracyphocrania lativentris 408 Probably lost
Paracyphocrania major "Peleng" pally92
In culture
Paragongylopus cf. sinensis "Hoang Lien" 628 Paragongylopus cf. sinensis "Hoang Lien" In culture
Paraleptynia sp. "Matto Grosso" 410 Paraleptynia sp. "Matto Grosso" Probably lost
Paraleptyniini sp. "Capilla del Monte" 731 Paraleptyniini sp. "Capilla del Monte" Probably lost
Paraloxopsis korystes "Mulu" 730 Probably lost
Paramenexenus ceylonicus "Hunas Falls" Paramenexenus ceylonicus "Hunas Falls" Probably lost
Paramenexenus laetus 105 145 In culture
Paramenexenus laetus "Cham Chu" 774 145b Probably lost
Paramenexenus laetus "Tay Yen Tu" 733 145a Paramenexenus laetus "Tay Yen Tu" In culture
Paranecroscia sp. 499 316 Probably lost
Parapachymorpha sp. "Copia Nature Reserve" 1 857 Parapachymorpha sp. "Copia Nature Reserve" In culture
Parapachymorpha sp. "Copia Nature Reserve" 2 Parapachymorpha sp. 2 "Copia Nature Reserve" Unknown
Parapachymorpha sp. "Ngo Luong" Parapachymorpha sp. "Ngo Luong" Unknown
Parapachymorpha spinigera 116 164 Parapachymorpha spinigera In culture
Parapachymorpha spinosa "Doi Tan" 88 105 Probably lost
Parapachymorpha zomproi "Nakhon Ratchasima" 155 224 Parapachymorpha zomproi "Nakhon Ratchasima" Richard In culture
Parapodacanthus hasenpuschorum "Cairns" 720 Parapodacanthus hasenpuschorum "Cairns" In culture
Paraprisopus agrion "French Guiana" 855 Adult male of Paraprisopus agrion "French Guiana" In culture
Paraprisopus antillarum "Guadeloupe" 567 370 Paraprisopus antillarum "Guadeloupe" In culture
Parasinophasma sp. "Tam Dao" Unknown
Parectatosoma hystrix 133 Parectatosoma hystrix Probably lost
Parectatosoma mocquerysi "Ambodiriana Forest" 181 258 Parectatosoma mocquerysi "Ambodiriana Forest" L.S. In culture
Parectatosoma sp. "Moramanga" 592 Parectatosoma sp. "Moramanga" L.S.
In culture
Parobrimus horridus "Rio Topo" 313 Probably lost
Parocnophila latirostrata 252 87 Probably lost
Periphetes forcipatus "Bugadidi" 311 310 gravedigger
In culture
Periphetes graniferum "Mt. Capotoan" 493 357 Periphetes graniferum "Mt. Capotoan" enthusiasticnewbie In culture
Periphetes quezonicus "Mt. Palakong" 412 Periphetes quezonicus "Mt. Palakong" In culture
Periphetes quezonicus "Tagumpay" In culture